The First and Second World Wars were really horrible and traumatic. We can still see the results today. In World War I, ...

The First and Second World Wars were really horrible and traumatic. We can still see the results today. In World War I, many nations played the role of watchdogs.

However, the Pearl Harbor attack by Japan in World War II also dragged the United States into it.

And the consequences were terrible, which we still remember as Hiroshima Nagasaki.

Only then did the United States emerge as a powerful country on the back of the world.

It cost 200,000 million dollars to build a B-17 bomber during World War II.

And the US military needed to make thousands of such bombers.

At the same time, it was important to protect the place where they were being built.

The US military would do anything to keep its weapons secret.

For example, in order to keep secret the place where these bombers were being built, the US military called the designers who made the sets in Hollywood and built a fake city from them and also asked many actors to stay there.

This fake city was built in 1944.

And just a year after the war began, this false city was wiped out.

This set was created by John Stewart Detlie to hide Boeing Plant 2.


The technique for making this set is to make a set of movies


The same technique was used.


You may be surprised but in this fake city fake houses, trees, roads, cars were all built.


Just below this artificial city, about 30,000 men and women made 300 bombers a month.


During World War II, 12,731 bombs were made here. These fighter jets dropped 640,000 tons of bombs on Germany at that time.


But with the passage of time, the condition of this place and this factory has deteriorated and since 2010 the work of destroying this factory has started.

The legend of the birth of Ved Vyas In ancient times there was a king named Sudhanwa. He went to the forest for hunting one day....

The legend of the birth of Ved Vyas

In ancient times there was a king named Sudhanwa. He went to the forest for hunting one day. It was only after he left that his wife became menstruated. He sent this news to the king through his bird of prey. After receiving the news, Maharaj Sudhanwa took out his semen in one and gave it to the bird.

Ved Vyasa
Maharshi Ved Vyasa

The bird flew into the sky to bring the two to the king's wife. On the way, that predatory bird found another predatory bird. There was war between the two birds. During the war, he got rid of both bird's claws and fell into Yamuna. In the Yamuna, a nymph made of fish lived by the curse of Brahma. The nymph of fish swallowed semen flowing in both and due to its effect she became pregnant.

On completion of the pregnancy, a Nishad trapped the fish in his net. When Nishad cut the fish, a boy and a girl came out of his stomach. Nishad went to Maharaj Sudhanwa with those babies. Due to not being the son of Maharaj Sudhanwa, he kept the child with him, named Matsyaraj.


The girl remained close to Nishad and was named Matsyagandha because the smell of fish emitted from her organs. That girl is also known as Satyavati. When she grew up, she started to work in the boat, once Parashar Muni had to sit on her boat and cross the Yamuna.


Parashar Muni Satyavati became enamored of beauty and said, "Devi! I want to cum with you. " Satyavati said, "Muniver! You are a theologian and I am a Nishad girl. We do not have sex. " Then Parashar Muni said, "Balike! Do not worry You will remain a virgin even after childbirth. " Having said this, he created a thick net of fog with his yoga force and indulged with Satyavati. After blessing him, he said, "The smell of fish coming out of your body will turn into fragrance."


When the time came, Satyavati had a son from Vedas, who passed from the womb. The child grew up and said to his mother, "Mother!" Whenever you will remember me in adversity, I will be present. " Having said this, he went to the island of Dwaipayan to do penance. Due to doing penance in Dwaipayan island and his body color being black, he came to be called Krishna Dwaipayan. Later on he became famous by the name of Ved Vyas because of commenting on the Vedas.

Dwarka, the city of Shri Krishna, sinks in the sea after 36 years of the Mahabharata war. All Yaduvanshis including Shr...

Dwarka, the city of Shri Krishna, sinks in the sea after 36 years of the Mahabharata war. All Yaduvanshis including Shri Krishna are killed before Dwarka sinks in the sea. Two incidents are mainly responsible for the killing of all Yaduvanshis and the merging of Dwarika into the sea. One is the curse given to Shri Krishna by Mata Gandhari and the other is cursed by Sages to Shri Krishna son Samb. Let us know in detail on this incident.

All about dwarka nagari
Dwarka Nagari History
Dwarka underwater

Gandhari gave the curse of destruction of Yaduvansh

When Yudhishthra was ruling after the end of the Mahabharata war, Gandhari, the mother of the Kauravas, cursed Sri Krishna for the Mahabharata war and cursed that the Yaduvansh would be destroyed just as the Kaurava dynasty was destroyed.

 The sages cursed Samb -


After the Mahabharata war, when the thirty-sixth year started, various kinds of vengeance started. One day Maharishi Vishwamitra, Kanva, Devarshi Narada etc. went to Dwarka. There some young men of the Yadav clan thought of joking with him. They took Sri Krishna's son Samb to the sages in the female vest and said that this woman is pregnant. What will happen from its womb?

When the sages saw that this young man was insulting us, he got angry and cursed that - This son of Shri Krishna will produce an iron pestle to destroy the Vrishni and the dark-skinned men, through which all the cruel and angry people like you Will kill the family. Only Shri Krishna and Balarama will be able to survive from the influence of that pestle. When Shri Krishna came to know this, he said that this thing must be true.

On the other hand, simply made pests with the effect of the curse of the people. When King Ugresen came to know, he stole that pestle and put it in the sea. After this, King Ugresen and Shrikrishna announced in the city that no one will prepare wines in their home. Whatever person will be hiding, he will be given death penalty. After hearing the announcement, Dwhakwas did not decide to make wines. The fierce independence started to be done in the form of a fierce indulgence in Dwarka. Everyday storm began to walk. The rat increased so much that the routes began to see more than humans. They used to eat the hair and nails of the sleeping humans in the night. The sound of the land of the land and goats will be taken. Donkeys from the stomach of the cows, the dogs began to grow from the dogs and the pregnancy of Navalis. At that time, the people did not feel ashamed to sin. 

Pradunnan was killed in the hands of the darkness -

when Shrikrishna saw these unstutate in the city, he thought that the time of the mother Gandhari's curse has come to the truth. By looking at these independence and seeking the coincidence of the Amavasya, the thirteenth day started considering the state of Shrikrishna. They saw that the same yoga is being made as it was made at the time of the war of Mahabharata. With the aim of truthing the curses of Gandhari, Shrikrishna commanded the pilgrims to pilgrims. By the command of Sri Krishna, all the Rajashi began to reside in the sea. While living in Prabhas pilgrimage, the darkness and Vrishi were talking to Vanshi. Then Satyaki came to a passion and ridicule and disrespected. Kritarma also said that Satyaki got angry and she slaughtered Kratwarma. Seeing the darkness surrounded Satyaki and attacked. Seeing Satyaki alone, Son of Shri Krishna runs to save him. Satyaki and Pradyumna alone clashed with the blindness. But due to the higher number, they could not defeat the darkness and finally killed their hands. 


After the destruction of Yaduvans, Shrikrishna had called Arjuna -

Angered by the death of his son and Satyi, Shri Krishna has uprooted a handful Erak. As soon as he came in hand, he became a fierce iron pestle as the grass Vajra. Srikrishna started all the people from that pestle. Whoever he overroots the grass, he turned into a fierce pestle (due to the curses of the sages). They used to go out of the same poke of masks. From the effect of that time, the darkness of the heroine, Shini and the Veer Misas of the Vishal Dynasty began to slaughter each other. Yaduvanshi also started to die while fighting among themselves. On seeing the sight of Shrikrishna, there was a death of a half, Chariturn, Aniruddha and Gad. Then Srikrishna became even more angry and he destroyed all the remaining protection. In the end, only the rest of Dark (Srikrishna's charioteer) was left. Srikrishna told Darky that you immediately go to Hastinapur and bring Dwarka by telling Arjun to the whole incident. Dyak did the same. After this, Srikrishna returned to Dwarka by saying Balram to stay in the same place. After the Swanham Gaman of Balramji, Shri Krishna came to Dwarka and Srikrishna told his father Vasudevji. Knowing the story of the deviers, they were very sad. Srikrishna said to Vasudevji that you protect women till Arjun's arrival. At this time, I am waiting for Balramji forest, I am going to meet them. When Shrikrishna heard the moan of women in the city, he consolidated that soon Arjun is going to come Dwarka. They will only protect you. By saying this, Shrikrishna has to go to Balram. Going to the forest, Shrikrishna saw that Balramji is absorbed in Tomb. On seeing, looked at a very large snake of white and went towards the sea. Thousands of snakes were the heads. The sea welcomed himself and welcomed Lord Sheshnag.

After sacrificing the body by Balramji, Shrikrishna started walking in the forest. They wandered in one place and started thinking about the curse given by Gandhari. With the desire to discard the body, Shrikrishna restrained his senses and lay down on earth in the state of Mahaisha (Tomb). Such Tyagi Shrikrishna has come there for the purpose of hunting a hunter deer at the same time, at the time the body was absorbed in Lord Shri Krishna Samadhi. He understood the deer, remotely on Shrikrishna. After running the arrow, when he moved forward to catch his victim, he was repented to Lord Shrikrishna in Yoga. Then Sri Krishna gave him assurance and went to his Paramdham. On reaching the space, Indra, Ashwinikumar, Rudra, Aditya, Vasu, Muni etc. all welcomed God. 

Here, Darkar went to Hastinapur and told the whole event Pandavas of the Suvanshi. By listening to this, Pandavas were very ground. Arjuna immediately went to Dwarka to meet his maternal uncleve. When Arjun reached Dwarka, he was very grocked by seeing the scene there. Shrikrishna's queues started crying after seeing them. Seeing them crying Arjun also started crying and remembering Shrikrishna. After this Arjun met Vasudevji. Seeing Arjun, Vasudevji Bilakh-Bilakh started crying. Vasudevji told Arjuna's message of Shrikrishna and said that Dwarka is going to drown in the sea shortly, so you take all the towns with you. 

Dwarka Nagari
Dwarka Nagari Demo pic

Arjun took with him to the family of Shri Krishna -

Arjun asked Arjun to call all the ministers from Daruka. As soon as the ministers came, Arjun said that I will take all the towns from here to Indraprasth, because soon the sea will be submerged. Arjun told the ministers that all the people will depart for Indraprastha from today, so you start preparations for it shortly. All ministers immediately gathered in the obedience of Arjuna. Arjun spent the same night in Krishna's palace. Next morning, Shri Krishna's father Vasudevji sacrificed the life. Arjun made his funeral from the law. Vasudevji's wife Devaki, Bhadra, Rohini and Wine also sat down at the piston. After this, Arjun also made funeral of all the Yaduvans killed in Prabhas Tirtha. Seventh Days Arjuna walked towards Indraprastha with Krishna's family and all the towns. Only after all of them, Dwarka Nagari drowned in the sea. Seeing these scenes, everyone was surprised.

The majority of India's population is born in independent India.  India has gained independence through the sacrifice...

The majority of India's population is born in independent India.  India has gained independence through the sacrifices and efforts of many armed and non-violent revolutionaries.

Many patriotic Indians sacrificed their lives in this freedom struggle.


The lives of many were ruined.  But those martyrs who went to great lengths to bring freedom to the motherland had always wrapped up their personal interests.  And this sacrifice led to freedom.

India became independent on 15th August 1947.

Every year on 15th August, we enthusiastically celebrate Independence Day at government, public and private levels.


This is a national ceremony.  India's independence is the sixth golden page in India's history.  But have you ever had such a question?  Why was August 15 chosen as Independence Day?


What is the significance of August 15?


You may be surprised to know that August 15 was chosen as Independence Day.


But then Lord Louis Mountbatten was appointed the last Viceroy of India.  He changed the date and declared that India would get independence on 15th August.

In the India Independence Bill, the British government had fixed June 3, 1948 as the date for the transfer of power to India.  The date was also confirmed by the Prime Minister of Britain, Clement Richard, in 1947, and on June 3, 1947, India was declared independent.

In 1947, Louis Mountbatten was appointed the last Viceroy of India.


He also had the responsibility of giving power to India in a systematic manner.  They were also given the right to set a date.


He was the Governor of Myanmar before becoming the Viceroy of India.  The arrival of Mountbatten marked a turning point in India's Independence Day.  He changed the date from 3rd June 1948 to 15th August 1947.

There is still a lot of controversy as to why he changed the scheduled date to August 15. 

Some historians say that,

"Mountbatten was asked to choose the date so that India could be given the status of an independent nation as soon as possible and this was Mountbatten's personal decision."


The Indian army was not honest with the British and it was not possible to rule India financially.


In their book, Freedom at Midnight, Larry Calling and Dominic Lapierre give a reason for choosing August 15.


The Viceroy wanted to show that,

"Everything is under their control. When asked if a date has been fixed for the release of Bharata, two months, August and September, came to their minds. After that, they chose the month of August."

The month of August and the 15th of this month were special to him.  On the same day, on August 15, 1945, Japan surrendered to the British in World War II.  At the time, he was commander of the Allied Forces.

August 15, 1947, would mark the second anniversary of this incident.  Lord Louis Mountbatten thought the date was auspicious.

Some people have different arguments in this regard.  According to their reasoning,

The British wanted to partition India and in such a situation they knew that Mohammad Ali Jinnah had cancer.  If Jinnah had died before June 3, 1948, the British plot to partition would have failed.


Therefore, India should be partitioned as soon as possible.  It was the instinct of the British that the two countries would continue to fight each other.

For this reason, he chose August 15, 1947.  But this logic has no historical basis.  So this argument will be taken as their personal opinion.  But even today, there is an atmosphere of tension between India and Pakistan.

Seventy years later, their relationship has not improved.

It is also said that Pakistan gained independence a day before India.  Pakistan was originally recognized as an independent nation on August 14.  On the same day, Mountbatten declared Pakistan an independent nation.  It is also said that,August 14, 1947 is the 27th day of the holy month of Ramadan.  According to Islamic chronology, this day is considered auspicious and sacred.  That is why Pakistan celebrates Independence Day on August 14.

But in 1948, Pakistan issued the first postage stamp with the date of 15th August and the birth of Pakistan was announced on 15th August by the founder of Pakistan, Mohammad Ali Jinnah.

Also, according to the Indian Independence Act, India and Pakistan became independent on the same day.

Now the question is why India got independence in the middle of the night.  According to astrologers, August 15 was not an auspicious date.  Various auspicious dates were suggested to Mountbatten.

But on 15th August, it was as if he had sealed his mind.  Because it was their good day.


Then it was important to resolve this without modifying the date.  That is why the declaration of independence was made at midnight.

In a certain period, Nehru completed his speech and the first shout of freedom was heard.

Thus, at midnight on August 15, 1947, India gained independence.

Why did Hitler choose the Indian "swastika" as the symbol of his Nazi party? Hitler and his Nazi party for all o...

Why did Hitler choose the Indian "swastika" as the symbol of his Nazi party?

Hitler and his Nazi party for all of us today Is a matter of curiosity. Adding to that curiosity is the swastika, the symbol of Hitler's Nazi party! You may have wondered many times, if the swastika is a symbol of Hinduism, then how did it reach a country like Germany where there were no Hindus at that time?

Symbol of nazi party

It arrived, but what was the significance of Hitler's inscription as a symbol of his party?

Let's find out today the history behind this symbol and its journey to the symbol of the Nazi party!

The swastika is one such symbol of religious significance in India. Swastika also has special significance in Hindu, Buddhist and Jain cultures. We mainly use the swastika as an auspicious sign. This symbol of the swastika has a history of thousands of years.

Adolf Hitler

The earliest use of the swastika was found on stone carvings 10,000 years ago. The swastika is then used in the construction of buildings around the mezzanine near the Russian border.


This swastika can be seen on birds or other sculptures. It is believed that these sculptures are from the Stone Age.

Swastikas are also found in large numbers on sculptures made using ivory. Swastikas were considered a sign of prosperity in the Paleolithic cultures.

The swastika symbol also gained a special significance as it was a swastika carved on various sculptures made of ivory and was originally considered a symbol of elephant prosperity.

The use of the swastika in the European continent may have originated in the Neolithic Vika culture found in Southeastern Europe.


This culture existed about 7,000 years ago. The swastika symbol then spread throughout Europe until the Bronze Age.


By the beginning of the 19th century, swastikas were widely used in the West.

After that, not only advertisements but also swastika signs were seen on hockey. The swastika was very popular among all. Even some US military tops used swastikas on World War I and their RAF aircraft during 1939.

Adolf Hitler
Hitler Army

After all this was the era of Hitler. He used the swastika in such a way that his identity changed completely. Some German scholars began to find similarities between the use of the Sanskrit swastika and their use in the German language.

From this study, the Nazis noticed that there were some similarities between them and the descendants of the Indians or the gods of the Puranic period. According to him, their gods were as ancient as the Aryans.

Within days, the Nazis came to power in 1939. The Jews were ordered to be exterminated, and there was an uproar throughout the world. So the swastika used by the Nazis as their symbol became the symbol of the most brutal event in history.

This swastika symbol, used to propagate and enforce the Nazi brutality, gradually became a symbol of oppression and violence. The Jewish people were shocked to see this sign.

It was a lasting memory of the genocide perpetrated by Hitler. About 6 million Jews were killed in the massacre. In 2007, Germany banned the Nazi swastika.

The swastika is mainly used as a religious symbol. It is of great importance, especially in the countries of Central Asia and Asia. Due to its ban, a large number of tourists are affected every year. Many tourists are punished for not knowing.

This sign, which is considered very auspicious, is considered very unholy among the Jews. So much so that its use or even its appearance is considered an abomination, so it is a crime to use it anywhere. The Jews do not offer the same swastika anywhere. This symbol has been deported from their country, Germany.

Why is there so much hatred behind this sign? The reason is the same.


The inhuman massacre of Jews. It was as if Adolf Hitler, Germany's all-rounder, had taken up the task of eradicating Judaism and its people. Neither ghosts nor futures were slaughtered like this. They were crushed wherever they were. Those who survived somehow escaped the country and saved their own lives.

When India was under British rule, the Jews suffered a lot more than the Indians did. Of course, it is natural for the next generation of Jews to hate and resent everything related to Hitler. The black swastika was the symbol of Hitler's flag, the Nazi party and then Germany. Which was used not for auspicious deeds but for vidhataka deeds.

The question will naturally arise as to why the evil elements of the Nazi regime took the auspicious symbol associated with devotion and power, which is considered sacred by some elements of the world.

Cruel incidents like the violence perpetrated by Hitler can never be forgotten. Yet it is safe to hope that the sanctity of the swastika will gradually lessen the bad memories of the swastika.

11 formulas of Chanakya, some shocking and some Annoying! No one should be more honest than necessary. Because only straigh...

11 formulas of Chanakya, some shocking and some Annoying!
Chanakya niti

  • No one should be more honest than necessary. Because only straight trees are cut down, just as an honest person suffers a lot.

  • Chanakya believed that if you suffered any financial loss, you should not tell anyone by mistake.

  • Because no one will help you when they hear about your financial loss, instead they will run away because you have to help.

  • We should not regret what happened in the past and we should not worry about the future.  Rational men always live in the present.

  • The knowledge of men and the beauty of women is the greatest strength in the world.

  • There is some selfishness behind every friendship. It is a bitter truth that there is no friendship in the world without people having their own interests behind it.

  • Children should be loved until the age of five, then punished for ten years, and made good friends when they are sixteen.

  • Poverty, sickness, etc. are not the real enemies of man.  Fear is the greatest enemy of any human being.

  • Money has to be earned very hard.  If you get money by sacrificing your honesty or by laying the foundation of an enemy, then you should never accept such money. Because it causes a lot of damage in the future.

  • Knowledge is your best friend.  An educated person is respected everywhere.  Education always defeats beauty and youth.

  • The fragrance of flowers goes only towards the wind, but the goodness of a good man spreads everywhere.

  • The word impossible is used by cowards, intelligent and courageous people make their own way.

These 11 formulas of Chanakya are the panacea for life change!

This is how NASA finally found the Russian spacecraft lost in space about 37 years ago. Over the years, research has been do...

This is how NASA finally found the Russian spacecraft lost in space about 37 years ago.

Over the years, research has been done to explore space beyond Earth, and we have succeeded in developing the necessary information and technology, but sometimes we succeed and sometimes we fail.

Happily, the technology has evolved so much day by day that it has begun to help us find lost things in the past.We are well acquainted with the scene where the family finally finds the Ivalya mark on the hero's pen, lost as a child.  Meanwhile, before that, the hero is fighting with thousands of thugs, in which the sleeves of his shirt are torn and the separated ones come together.

Something similar has happened in the case of Russia and its spacecraft.  The spacecraft has been successfully discovered by NASA scientists after fighting with a photo of the moon in literally thousands.The spacecraft was launched into space about 37 years ago but lost contact with it over time, and has since been found by NASA.

Using lunar photographs published by NASA with the help of its lunar map, the mystery of the 37-year-old space has been unraveled.

 Let's see how.

The protagonist of this story is Professor Cross Phil Stuck, who works in the Western Departments of Physics and Astronomy and Geography.  Stuck published a reference book on lunar research in 2007 entitled "International Atlas of Lunar Research".

On March 15, images and data from NASA's Orbiter (LRO) were posted.

Which will create an internal map for a one-year search expedition 31 miles above the lunar surface, search for resources and help find a potentially safe landing site, as well as measure the lunar temperature and rays.

After scrambling for NASA's Atlas and thousands of photographs on the moon, Stuck discovered the exact location of the Russian rover Lunokhode 2.

To track the 35-kilometer track left on the moon by the spacecraft 37 years ago, he trekked 35 kilometers with the help of a lunar map and with his help tracked other tracks.

The journey was the longest for any robotic rover to reach the second celestial body to date.

Soon after the publication of these important photographs, Stuck and other scientists from around the world began their search for the Harvard.  Stuke created a database of photos that should be easy to find, and he eventually found the photo he wanted out of the thousands of photos he wanted.

Launched in 1970, NASA's state-of-the-art Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) played a key role in the discovery of the spacecraft.

Mark Robinson, chief investigator of the Arizona State University's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera, says the LRO technology is a boon to the moon.  The camera mounted in it is capable of capturing and sending more accurate and clear photographs.

The Lunokhods, launched by the Soviet Union, was one of the first eight-wheeled rovers launched in the early 1970's.

The rover was powered by solar energy during the day and was fitted with a heat radiator to run at night as the temperature on the moon dropped at night.This rover was built to collect soil samples from the moon.


So during their mission, the spacecraft landed on the moon to collect samples, so they walked in a small cupboard to take a sample of the soil and for some reason got stuck there. Then by accident, its heat was buried under the radiator.


There was nothing that he did to cause it.  Eventually it got even hotter and at one point he stopped working.  After a while, the spacecraft began to look like a spot on the moon.

Its tracks were visible where the vehicle landed.  The mission of the spacecraft was well studied by Stuck, and modern technology made it easier to get a glimpse of the work done by the rover and to explore the magnetic field along the same path to get more accurate information.

According to Stuck, the discovery now requires a change in the shadow images of the map circulated by Russia to include a modified photo.

Stuck says NASA scientists have used their atlas data systematically for both creation and data recovery. His next project is on Mars and this project is similar to the best maps of both the Moon and Mars.

A wonderful story of a Maratha king who lent money to the British who ruled India for 200 years | Maharaja Tukojirao Holkar II ...

A wonderful story of a Maratha king who lent money to the British who ruled India for 200 years | Maharaja Tukojirao Holkar II

Untold story of Maharaja Tukojirao Holkar - II 

When the British set foot in India, the dynasties and many Rajya Sabhas left their kingdoms, many institutions were abolished! Of course, the British did not intend to do this, they wanted to enslave India and oppress and oppress their people! Many rulers and institutions before the British who came to India with the desire to rule on Indian soil Kneeling.

Maharaja Tukojirao Holkar II
Maharaja Tukojirao Holkar II 

At that time there were some families and kings who joined hands with the British government and secured their own kingdoms, but the British did not let them go either!

They too were later harassed by the British, due to double taxation and other things, many institutions had come to Jerry's! But in Indian history he became a king who did not beg for British power. On the contrary, this king forced the British to extend their hand to him.The name of that king was' Rich Maharaja Tukojirao Holkar II ... who had made the British his debtors by giving loans of crores of rupees.He was then known as the 'Maharaja of Central India'.Maharaja Tukojirao Holkar gave a loan of 'one crore rupees' to the British for the first phase, considering the benefits to the people due to the British railway project.From this loan, the British completed the work of connecting three railway sections near Indore.

Within a period of seven years, the British built three railway lines, 'Khandwa-Indore', 'Indore-Ratlam-Ajmer' and 'Indore-Devas-Ujjain' through a loan of crores of rupees given by Maharaja Tukojirao Holkar.The Khandwa-Indore line is also known as Holkar State Railway.

Maharaja Turkojirao Holkar for 101 years. The loan amount was made available to the British at the rate of 4.5 per cent.But the vision of kings does not stop there!On the one hand, considering the benefits to the people while giving loans, they also gave free land to the British to lay the railway line.

Due to its hilly terrain, the railway line was laid with great diligence and a large bridge was also built over the Narmada river.The first steam locomotive brought for testing in Indore was pulled to the railway tracks with the help of elephants.This event is considered to be very important for Indian history and Indian Railways.

What could be more proud of us than the British who had to shake hands with so many innocent brothers, the same British who had to raise their hands for money in front of a king of an Indian and Maharashtrian family ?

How did the 'Kohinoor', which symbolizes the glory of India, enter the crown of Queen Victoria? Read it ... History ...

How did the 'Kohinoor', which symbolizes the glory of India, enter the crown of Queen Victoria? Read it ...

History Of Kohinoor Diamond

A diamond is called in the world's very valuable and rare diamonds, 'Kohinoor', is also a controversy as the diamond is rare and valuable. Kohinoor is the Persian word and it means, "The mountains of the light" .This holder also has the same history. According to some history experts, it has a history of 5000 years. The story is mentioned in a Sanskrit literature 5000 years ago. That is, the name of the diamond that is mentioned in Sanskrit literature, was not Kohinoor but it was the prior to Kohinoor. There are differences about whether Kohinoor was a spirit. After that, about four thousand years do not get the description of this description.

Category By 1304, this diamond was in the treasury of Malva kings, but he was not known as Kohinoor. Category In 1304, this diamond Allauddin Khilji got and he gathered in his treasure. After that, in 1339, this diamond was brought at Samarkand again where 300 years was kept in the diamond. In 1306, a cursed story was added to this diamond. According to this story, "the diamond that will wear," he will wear the whole world, but he will also face some unfortunate events due to this loss. This diamond shall not be sacrificed to God or only when the woman should be wearing. " After this, the Mughal Emperor Babar is found to be mentioned in the Mughal Emperor Babur in Babaranama's autobiography. According to the recorded recorded, the Sultan Ibrahm was a visit to Sultan Ibrahim Lodi. 

He has said that half of the daily total production of the world is worth this diamond. After Babur, Aurangzeb, who is his heir, saved the diamond. After that, the diamond came to his heirs. Aurangzeb's grandson, also brave as Aurangzeb.

In 1739, Persian Senapati Nadir Shah attacked India. He wanted the power of India. Sultan Mhammad defeated this neighborhood and he surrendered in front of Nadir. Nadiri, the name of this diamond is currently the name of Kohinoor, which means, which means, the mountains of light. However, Nadir has murdered his murder for a long time, and then this diamond Ahmed Shah came to the control of Damani. Shah Shuji Dahanani, who was a war in Ahmed Shah Dani, brought this diamond again and visited King Ranjeet Singh (founder of Sikh Empire) in 1813. In this life, Raja Ranjit Singh has helped Shah Shuja to get the throne of Afghanistan back. Raja Ranjit Singh was interested in the diamonds, but they also thought that he was a prestigious diamond that was in his treasury like Kohinur. This diamond is a ulidation of their power. When the diamond is not a symbol of the beauty, then the challenges started in real sense.

The Britishs were the huge attraction of power in the same time. Therefore, if they could get this diamond, then the British seemed to be easy to dominate India. Right now, this is the earlier than that of the earlier, and the enemy. Raja Ranjit died in 1839, but before he was earlier, he had to donate the diamond of a Hindu-constituency. The fire of the Broitus of the British went to the head.

The most beautiful, overwhelmatic and prestigious of the world, which was considered to be the most beautiful and the prestigious Hindu Jiruna, "said the editorial English newspapers," the writings of such a meaning, and the writing of the British had also requested to take Kohinoor.However, after the death of Raja Ranjit Singh, four kings came to the throne of Punjab in four years. King Duleep Singh and his mother Rani Jindan were the last to ascend the throne during this period of political instability, anarchy and violence.

In 1849, the British ran Jinadan in the prisoner. Raja Dulip Singh was ten years old when the age of Singh. By imprisonment of Queen by the British, British has signed the Lahore Agreement from the King Dulip Lion. In which the King Dulip Singh gave the whole rule of the state to the British along with Kohinoor diamond. In this manner, this diamond Rani went to the control of Victoria. This diamond was also included in a magnificent exhibition filled in London in 1851 in 1851 as the British masses could be seen. But, some of the diamonds did not feel special because the other hins of the day had decreased. According to the news printed in the 1851's Times, "from his external form, many did not believe that it is a diamond, because he was like a simple glass piece." Seeing the diamond, he was not a British Janata Raji to believe that he is in Kohinoor. Then the Rani Victoria's husband gave the Prince Albert to a jawar to polish him. This diamond was cut to return the original brightness.

Kohinoor Diamond

Even after the size of the size, the diamond started shining the diamond. Queen Victoria often used to diamond it in your hair pin. Then he was diamond in the Rajamba to put it.Today, this diamond is on public display in the Jewel House at the Tower of London, where it is seen by millions of visitors each year.

History Of Sant Balumama Admapur The History of Sant Balumama life Sant Balumama Akkol is a village in Chikkodi taluka of Belg...

History Of Sant Balumama Admapur

The History of Sant Balumama life

Sant Balumama Akkol is a village in Chikkodi taluka of Belgaum district in the Indian state of Mumbai and present day Karnataka.  Balumama was born to Mr. Mayappa Arbhave and his wife Satyavva, a Satvik Dhangar couple from this village.  This day was Ashwin Shuddha Dwadashi Shake 1814 (Dt. 3-10-1892).

Original Photo of Sant Balumama
Original Photo of Sant Balumama

Original Photo of Sant Balumama
Original Photo of Sant Balumama

Saint Balumama hired Chandulal Shethji, a Jain merchant from Akkol, to improve his childhood behavior.  On the pretext of changing the dinner plate from the Shetji family, Mama started living with sister Gangubai Hi-Yappa Khilare.  His nephews used to call Balumama Mama.  From then on, he became the niece's uncle and the world's uncle.  In the hot summer afternoon, two sadhus were satisfied by pouring water from a deep well.  Sadhuni blessed Balumama with speech and work accomplishment.  He married Satyavva, the daughter of sister Gangubai, against the wishes of Balumama but to obey his parents.  Both of them started keeping sheep like a herd.  The traveling world began.


While the goat was grazing, there was an airwaves, "Oh baby, make me your guru."  So Balumama decided that I would make anyone who told me the truth about the money I had cast out demons a guru.  A few days later, while walking in the Shivara, Mule Maharaj met him and said, "Oh Balu, give me 120 rupees for removing the demons."

Sant mule Maharaj
Sant Mule Maharaj

Satyavva became pregnant about 9 years after marriage.  But because of disobedience, she had an abortion.  From then on, he abandoned his wife and considered the world as his own.  Mama used to go to villages in Maharashtra and Karnataka with herds of bucks.  So he became famous as a communicator saint.

They had no greed, no expectation for fame or fame.  He performed some miracles for the welfare of the devotees.  He had power over the Panchmahabhuta.  In Kannada and Marathi rural dialects, he was preaching justice, ethics and religion to all.  Swearing on occasion.  Their swearing was a blessing.  Men and women from all walks of life, from the youngest to the oldest, from the poorest to the richest, and from the poorest to the richest, were and still are his devotees.  Whether it was wool, wind, rain or cold, he used to stay in Shivara. He started Bhandara festival from 1932 so that food should be donated to the poor and they should follow the path of devotion.

Balumama's Adampur - The other became Pandharpur

 At Adampur, every traveler stops to see the beautiful carved stone entrance facing the tomb of Sadguru Sant Balumama.  He washes his hands and feet and comes to the spacious hall.  The painting of the pavilion, the lighting of the place, the tapitip and the balummama play intriguingly intriguingly.  All of a sudden his gaze goes to the front core.  It is a pleasure to see a full-sized idol of Balumama.  Inadvertently hands are joined.  On the right hand of Balumama is the idol of Maharaj, Gargoti due to his uncle Sadguru Paramahansa.  To the left of the uncle is a beautiful idol of Sri Vitthal-Rakhumai and next to it is an image of Sri Halsiddhanath.

Sant Balumama temple Admapur
Sant Balumama Temple Admapur

There is a samadhi built on the body of the uncle in the gabha.  There are shoes on it.  Nearby stones are also worshiped.  On either side of the tomb are replicas of fangs drawn serpents.  There is an uncle's sleeping bed on the south side of the gabha.

Inner beauty of sant Balumama Temple Admapur
Sant Balumama 

On the right side of the auditorium is a collection of items used by Mama.  Also, attractive colorful and beautiful photos of uncles on various occasions attract the minds of the devotees. No one goes to the core without purity after taking a bath.  There is a method of taking darshan from outside.  Tirtha and Bhandara (turmeric powder) are offered as prasad.  What is special is that a bhandara is placed on the forehead of the devotee.  There is no demand for anything else in the south.  But the devotees should ask for the blessing of the uncle, put it in the donation box as per their wish. The coconut brought by the devotees is returned in the form of prasad along with the pot.  If something is brought to offer, they keep it.  You want to bring your food from home.  There is a method of offering offerings to the uncles and going around the temple with prostrations.  The temple is easily visited by a large number of colorful peaks made of numerous peaks. On the south side of the temple, there is an idol of Shri Guru Dattatraya in the calm, cool shade of Audumbara.  Temporary accommodation for travelers, pilgrims and worshipers is available here.  There is plenty of space in front of the temple.  It is on the east side and there is a Pimpal tree with a magnificent lamp post and the neighboring Par Katta.  Adamapur village is near here.

            There is a lot of research going on about the architecture of ancient temples and the culture that emerges f...

            There is a lot of research going on about the architecture of ancient temples and the culture that emerges from it. Because apart from the part of the faith, these temples keep some secrets about human history.

       Religious places around the world are no exception. Like our country has places of worship of different religions. There are also places of worship of Hinduism in other countries of the world. Today we are going to tell you about the most famous temple in the world. Let's find out now about this famous temple.

Angkor wat temple

         This temple is located in Cambodia and is famous all over the world as Angkor Wat Temple. Angkor Wat is one of the most important archeological sites in Southeast Asia. Which was hidden in the dense jungle for many centuries after the mighty Sumer Empire.

Angkor wat temple

          The temple was built in the 12th century by Suryavarman II, a Khmer king. The ancient name of this temple was Yashodharpur.King Suryavarman was a very religious man and had great faith in Vishnu. So he built this temple with the intention of dedicating it to Lord Vishnu.One of the main reasons for building this temple was that the king wanted to be immortal.

Angkor wat temple

             It is said that King Suryavarman wanted to become immortal by worshiping Hindu gods and goddesses. So he built this temple, in which Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh were worshiped.But there are many different things about this temple. It is believed that Devraj Indra built this temple as a palace for his son.

            A Chinese pilgrim in the 13th century claimed that the temple was built overnight by some supernatural force. But in fact the history of this temple is connected with Buddhism and Hinduism.    

What is the history of the temple?  

           Ancient times related to Angkor Wag Temple, which is known as Cambodia today. This temple is hidden in the history of Hindu and Buddhist both of the religion. History says that almost 25 rulers were ruled on a complaint, which was some Hindu, which was some Buddhist, while some Buddhists were, researchers today, as proof of Paid, are still getting the idols that are connected to both Hindu and Buddhist religions. Now, if the number of followers of Buddhism in Cambodia is very high. So here we have to see Lord Buddha's idols. But the only place in the Azor Waithip is the only place, which is also the idols of Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh. Not only this, it is also a special feature of the Aggier Water Temple, that it is the biggest temple of Vishnu. Ramayana and Mahabharata are carved on the big wall of this temple.

Angkor Wat Temple

          In fact, this temple dedicated to Lord Shankara. After some time, Lord Vishnu worshiped here. But when Buddhism captured this place. Since then, Gods of Buddhism was worshiped by Vahrokeshwar. The 14th century - coming here - Ruler of Buddhism was established and the Buddhist was given to this temple.

Angkor wat temple Combodia

            From 1986 to 1993, the Archaeological Survey of India was responsible for the protection of the Angkaur Wat Temple. This temple made in the 12th century is inherited the history of the world. Today this temple is one of the oldest Hindu temples in the world. This temple is very gorgeous and beautiful.

Before Ramayana and Mahabharata, this first world war in history was fought on Indian soil Where are the ancient epologies ...

Before Ramayana and Mahabharata, this first world war in history was fought on Indian soil

Where are the ancient epologies in India? Most of this question will take the name of Ramayana and Mahabharata, but there is another ancient epologies like these two epologies but it does not know who else. The name of that ancient story is 'Dashraji', the war of ten kings, the war in the Mahabharata was fought almost two and a half thousand years ago. This war is ago Ramayana, which was in the truth-age. 

It is found in the seventh mastery of the middle of the sailor of the middle. In this war, all the people of India participate in India. There was a war in Arya in Aryavan in India. It is said that the battle was fighting the border of the river. This river is Ravi river in Pakistan today. The place where this is a fight was fought, Hadappa Nagar was fighting, Hadappa was known as the advanced city of that time in ancient India. 

This war is considered very important because the war was introduced to the other world because of this war, because the war was fighting because some kings and their people were forced to fall out of the era. The part of which they had to establish the state, is known as Iran, Egypt and Iraq. It is said that there was a war between the people of Aryu and Tastasu. Both of these two were relations with the Arya community named Hind-Arter. Of course, some Arya was not considered Aryana in the other community. Some people also say that the powerful elder community has been all other communities in India and Persia, and under the guidance of his Mahu Rishi Vishwamitra, he battled King Sudas. 

The Sudas king of the king was the first time. This is the son of Dadas, who was the son of Srnjay and srnjay father is devrat. In this battle, the name of the Father's Father was a Devrat, in this war, the Vashedas was guided by Vashya. Those who fought ten kings against this Sudas, the leadership of the leadership of the ancient was made by the king's leadership. The communities that were left in this are the Nayan, Amin, Shiv, Bhathatman, Simu, Visanin, Sunder, Bhrigu, Simu, Visanin, Sunder, Bhigu, Simu, Visanin, Sunder, Bhigu, Simu, Visanin, Sunder, Bhiguu. There are some conflicts in this. Many people also believe in the names of these states, Alina, Sahu, Bhalna, Drew, Fish, Parashau, and Pash. 

First war in world

The name of the king who was defeated in this war was a sinar. He later established his kingdom going to the northwest of India. This state has later called a Grandland region, which was known as Kandhar, which is known as Afghanistan. King Sudas was the father of King Sudas, the kingdom of King Sudas was the kingdom of the kingdom of King Sudas, he was going to live as a famous ecstasy. He has wared the king and stretched him with the king's daily. The capital of the kingdom of Sudas was the borders of Saraswati river. The kingdom of the kingdom received from his ancestors. He guided him from time to time. When expanding the state, he tried to curb on his surroundings. Because the ten kings did not be subjected to the king, the ten kings decided to do the work of the king and defeated the law of Sudas. These are some people who understand some people, but they are true, like a sudden arisi. Because they are considered to be a substantial happiness to excluding spirituality. This King of King Pradas defeated the king. In history, many times happened that the Lokani left the spiritual path and chose physical happiness. He has established the importance of spirituality and the realization of the Laennani spirituality .There, Has Daoshriajh war became the borders of the river and filled and buried for many years. Like written in Rigveda, he had to withdraw further and his army withdraws, but they safely crossed the Parispri river, but the rest of the army came to yamuna river, and the remaining army killed the king's army. After that, he had war with Muna and Shigrus, and also defeated them. King Sudas defeated all his enemies, and he defeated ten the king, and he was defeated .But the thousands of people were killed. These warfast are sometimes a difference between the students. 

Some people say that there was a war in 3000s 4000, while some people 's vote, this was a war in the Eight of 2350. But a special thing is that this history is understood. "The first recorded world war is understood". All of these World War, the hood, piral, and Archers, Elephants were used. The kings defeated after this war, the kings of the battle and the next place went to the next place. Some

        The Mahabharata, also called, The Kurukshetra War is a war described in the Hindu-epic, Mahabharata. The con...

        The Mahabharata, also called, The Kurukshetra War is a war described in the Hindu-epic, Mahabharata. The conflict arose between two groups of cousins, the Kauravas, and Pandavas, due to the struggle for dynastic succession to the throne of Hastinapura, in an Indian kingdom called Kuru.

          Manyancient kingdoms participated as allies of the rival groups in of the battle occurred in Kurukshetra, whose modern-day location is the state of Haryana. The number 18 is an important number in Mahabharata; Duryodhana had 11 Akshouhini soldiers and Pandavas had 7, making a total of eighteen; there are eighteen chapters in the epic and last but not the least, the war lasted exactly for eighteen days, since sunrise to sunset.

First Day:

         The Pandava side suffered heavy losses on the first day of the war. Virat Naresh's son Uttara and Shwetha were killed by Shalya and Bhishma. Bhishma killed many soldiers of Pandavas. This day was encouraging for the Kauravas and disappointing for the Pandavas.

Second Day:

       The Pandavas did not suffer much damage on the second day. Dronacharya defeated Dhrishtadyumna many times. Bhishma wounded Arjuna and Shri Krishna several times. Bhima killed thousands of Kalinga and Nishad. Arjun stopped Bhishma.

Third Day:

   On the third day, Bhima along with Ghatotkacha drove Duryodhana's army out of the battle. After this Bhishma causes a horrific destruction. Sri Krishna tells Arjuna to slay Bhishma, but Arjuna is unable to fight with enthusiasm, causing Shri Krishna himself to run to kill Bhishma. Arjuna then assures that they will fight the war with full enthusiasm.

 Fourth Day:

     On this day the Kauravas could not stop Arjuna. Bhima created a ruckus in the Kaurava army. Duryodhana sent his Gajasena to kill Bhima, but together with Ghatotkacha, Bhima killed them all. Arjuna and Bhima fought fiercely with Bhishma.

 Fifth Day:

       On the fifth day of the war, Bhishma created panic in the Pandava army. Arjuna and Bhima fought with them to stop Bhishma. Satyaki stopped Dronacharya. Bhishma forced Satyaki to flee the war.

 Sixth Day:

    Even on this day, there was a fierce war between the two sides. Duryodhana continued to get angry, but Bhishma kept assuring him and killed the Panchal army.

 Seventh Day:

    On the seventh day Arjuna dominates the Kaurava army. Dhrishtadyumna defeats Duryodhana in battle, Arjuna's son Iravan defeats Vind and Anuvind. At the end of the day Bhishma dominates the Pandava army.

 Eighth Day:

   On the eighth day, Bhishma dominates the Pandava army. Bhima kills eight sons of Dhritarashtra, the demon Ambalush Arjuna kills son Iravan. Ghatotkacha tortures Duryodhana with his illusion. Then on the orders of Bhishma, Bhagadatta pushes Ghatotkacha, Bhima, Yudhishthira and other Pandava soldiers behind. By the end of the day, Bhima kills nine more sons of Dhritarashtra.

 Ninth Day:

    On the ninth day Duryodhana asks Bhishma to bring Karna into battle, then Bhishma assures him that he will either force Shri Krishna to take up arms in battle or kill one of the Pandavas. In order to stop Bhishma in battle, Shri Krishna has to break his vow and he takes up arms. On this day Bhishma destroys most of the Pandavas' army.

Tenth Day:

   On this day, the Pandavas ask Bhishma the remedy of their death at the behest of Shri Krishna. According to Bhishma's stated measures, Arjun puts forward Shikhandi and shoots arrows at Bhishma. With Arjuna's arrows, Bhishma lies on the bed of the arrows.

Eleventh Day:

      Karna comes into battle on the eleventh day. At the behest of Karna, Dronacharya is made the general. Duryodhana and Shakuni tell Drona that if Yudhishthira is taken captive, the war will end. Duryodhana's plan does not allow Arjuna to be completed. Karna also massacres the Pandava army.

 Twelfth Day:

     Shakuni and Duryodhana manage to send Arjuna far enough away from Yudhishthira to capture Yudhishthira, but Arjuna arrives on time to save Yudhishthira from being taken captive.

 Thirteenth Day:

    On this day Duryodhana sends King Bhagadatta to battle Arjuna. Bhagadatta defeats Bhima, makes war with Arjuna. Sri Krishna protects Arjuna by taking on the Vaishnavastra of Bhagadatta. Arjun breaks Bhagadatta's blindfold, which causes him to stop looking. Arjuna kills them at this stage. On this day, Drona creates a Chakravyuh for Yudhishthira. Whom Abhimanyu knew to break, but did not know to leave. Yudhishthira sends Bhima Adi with Abhimanyu, but Jayadratha stops everyone at the door of the Chakravyuh. Only Abhimanyu is able to enter. He alone fights all Kauravas and is killed. Seeing that the son Abhimanyu was unjustly slaughtered, Arjuna vows to kill Jayadratha the next day, and failing to do so, asks to take fire samadhi.

 Fourteenth Day:

     The Kauravas plan to save Jayadratha after listening to Arjuna's fire tomb. Drona hides him in the rear of the army to save Jayadratha, but due to the sunset by Shri Krishna, Jayadratha comes out and kills Arjuna and. On this day, Drona kills Drupada and Virat.

          Duryodhana, distraught, orders his army to fight through the night, and the two hosts lighting torches, continue their battle.During this time, Gathokacha, the rakshasa son of Bhima wreaks havoc among the Kaurava, until he is felled by the Vasavi Shakti, a weapon given to Karna by Indra. Karna was planning to use the Vasavi Shakti against Arjuna However, Duryodhana, desperate to end Gathokacha’s carnage pleads with Karna to use it. Now Karna loses the weapon since it can be used only once and returns to Indra.

 Fifteenth Day:

     On this day, Pandavas deceitfully convince Dronacharya of Ashwatthama's death, so that Drona is disappointed and takes samadhi. In this case, Dhrishtadyum cuts Drona's head and kills him.

 Sixteenth Day:

    On this day Karna is made the Kaurava general. On this day he commits a terrible destruction of the Pandava army. Karna defeats Nakula-Sahadeva, but does not kill him due to the promise given to Kunti. Bhima kills Dushasan and drinks his chest blood.

 Seventeenth Day:

      On the seventeenth day Karna defeats Bhima and Yudhishthira, but does not kill them because of the promise given to Kunti. In the battle, the wheel of Karna's chariot falls into the ground, then Karna comes down to take out the wheel and at the same time Arjuna kills Karna at the behest of Shri Krishna. Then Surgeon becomes the commander in chief, whom Yudhishthira kills.

 Eighteenth Day:

    On this day, Bhima kills all the remaining brothers of Duryodhana. Sahadeva kills Shakuni. Recognizing his defeat, Duryodhana hides in a pond, but after being challenged by the Pandavas, he fights mace with Bhima. Then Bhima tricks Duryodhana's thigh with deceit, which leads to Duryodhana's death. In this way the Pandavas emerge victorious.