Before Ramayana and Mahabharata, this first world war in history was fought on Indian soil Where are the ancient epologies ...

First world war in history was fought on Indian soil

Before Ramayana and Mahabharata, this first world war in history was fought on Indian soil

Where are the ancient epologies in India? Most of this question will take the name of Ramayana and Mahabharata, but there is another ancient epologies like these two epologies but it does not know who else. The name of that ancient story is 'Dashraji', the war of ten kings, the war in the Mahabharata was fought almost two and a half thousand years ago. This war is ago Ramayana, which was in the truth-age. 

It is found in the seventh mastery of the middle of the sailor of the middle. In this war, all the people of India participate in India. There was a war in Arya in Aryavan in India. It is said that the battle was fighting the border of the river. This river is Ravi river in Pakistan today. The place where this is a fight was fought, Hadappa Nagar was fighting, Hadappa was known as the advanced city of that time in ancient India. 

This war is considered very important because the war was introduced to the other world because of this war, because the war was fighting because some kings and their people were forced to fall out of the era. The part of which they had to establish the state, is known as Iran, Egypt and Iraq. It is said that there was a war between the people of Aryu and Tastasu. Both of these two were relations with the Arya community named Hind-Arter. Of course, some Arya was not considered Aryana in the other community. Some people also say that the powerful elder community has been all other communities in India and Persia, and under the guidance of his Mahu Rishi Vishwamitra, he battled King Sudas. 

The Sudas king of the king was the first time. This is the son of Dadas, who was the son of Srnjay and srnjay father is devrat. In this battle, the name of the Father's Father was a Devrat, in this war, the Vashedas was guided by Vashya. Those who fought ten kings against this Sudas, the leadership of the leadership of the ancient was made by the king's leadership. The communities that were left in this are the Nayan, Amin, Shiv, Bhathatman, Simu, Visanin, Sunder, Bhrigu, Simu, Visanin, Sunder, Bhigu, Simu, Visanin, Sunder, Bhigu, Simu, Visanin, Sunder, Bhiguu. There are some conflicts in this. Many people also believe in the names of these states, Alina, Sahu, Bhalna, Drew, Fish, Parashau, and Pash. 

First war in world

The name of the king who was defeated in this war was a sinar. He later established his kingdom going to the northwest of India. This state has later called a Grandland region, which was known as Kandhar, which is known as Afghanistan. King Sudas was the father of King Sudas, the kingdom of King Sudas was the kingdom of the kingdom of King Sudas, he was going to live as a famous ecstasy. He has wared the king and stretched him with the king's daily. The capital of the kingdom of Sudas was the borders of Saraswati river. The kingdom of the kingdom received from his ancestors. He guided him from time to time. When expanding the state, he tried to curb on his surroundings. Because the ten kings did not be subjected to the king, the ten kings decided to do the work of the king and defeated the law of Sudas. These are some people who understand some people, but they are true, like a sudden arisi. Because they are considered to be a substantial happiness to excluding spirituality. This King of King Pradas defeated the king. In history, many times happened that the Lokani left the spiritual path and chose physical happiness. He has established the importance of spirituality and the realization of the Laennani spirituality .There, Has Daoshriajh war became the borders of the river and filled and buried for many years. Like written in Rigveda, he had to withdraw further and his army withdraws, but they safely crossed the Parispri river, but the rest of the army came to yamuna river, and the remaining army killed the king's army. After that, he had war with Muna and Shigrus, and also defeated them. King Sudas defeated all his enemies, and he defeated ten the king, and he was defeated .But the thousands of people were killed. These warfast are sometimes a difference between the students. 

Some people say that there was a war in 3000s 4000, while some people 's vote, this was a war in the Eight of 2350. But a special thing is that this history is understood. "The first recorded world war is understood". All of these World War, the hood, piral, and Archers, Elephants were used. The kings defeated after this war, the kings of the battle and the next place went to the next place. Some