There is a lot of research going on about the architecture of ancient temples and the culture that emerges f...

Angkor Wat Temple Combodia | In history lord Vishnu's largest temple is out of India

            There is a lot of research going on about the architecture of ancient temples and the culture that emerges from it. Because apart from the part of the faith, these temples keep some secrets about human history.

       Religious places around the world are no exception. Like our country has places of worship of different religions. There are also places of worship of Hinduism in other countries of the world. Today we are going to tell you about the most famous temple in the world. Let's find out now about this famous temple.

Angkor wat temple

         This temple is located in Cambodia and is famous all over the world as Angkor Wat Temple. Angkor Wat is one of the most important archeological sites in Southeast Asia. Which was hidden in the dense jungle for many centuries after the mighty Sumer Empire.

Angkor wat temple

          The temple was built in the 12th century by Suryavarman II, a Khmer king. The ancient name of this temple was Yashodharpur.King Suryavarman was a very religious man and had great faith in Vishnu. So he built this temple with the intention of dedicating it to Lord Vishnu.One of the main reasons for building this temple was that the king wanted to be immortal.

Angkor wat temple

             It is said that King Suryavarman wanted to become immortal by worshiping Hindu gods and goddesses. So he built this temple, in which Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh were worshiped.But there are many different things about this temple. It is believed that Devraj Indra built this temple as a palace for his son.

            A Chinese pilgrim in the 13th century claimed that the temple was built overnight by some supernatural force. But in fact the history of this temple is connected with Buddhism and Hinduism.    

What is the history of the temple?  

           Ancient times related to Angkor Wag Temple, which is known as Cambodia today. This temple is hidden in the history of Hindu and Buddhist both of the religion. History says that almost 25 rulers were ruled on a complaint, which was some Hindu, which was some Buddhist, while some Buddhists were, researchers today, as proof of Paid, are still getting the idols that are connected to both Hindu and Buddhist religions. Now, if the number of followers of Buddhism in Cambodia is very high. So here we have to see Lord Buddha's idols. But the only place in the Azor Waithip is the only place, which is also the idols of Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh. Not only this, it is also a special feature of the Aggier Water Temple, that it is the biggest temple of Vishnu. Ramayana and Mahabharata are carved on the big wall of this temple.

Angkor Wat Temple

          In fact, this temple dedicated to Lord Shankara. After some time, Lord Vishnu worshiped here. But when Buddhism captured this place. Since then, Gods of Buddhism was worshiped by Vahrokeshwar. The 14th century - coming here - Ruler of Buddhism was established and the Buddhist was given to this temple.

Angkor wat temple Combodia

            From 1986 to 1993, the Archaeological Survey of India was responsible for the protection of the Angkaur Wat Temple. This temple made in the 12th century is inherited the history of the world. Today this temple is one of the oldest Hindu temples in the world. This temple is very gorgeous and beautiful.