The Mahabharata, also called, The Kurukshetra War is a war described in the Hindu-epic, Mahabharata. The con...

Know what happened in the 18 days of Mahabharata war | Mahabharata Kurukshetra war | who win kurukshetra war

        The Mahabharata, also called, The Kurukshetra War is a war described in the Hindu-epic, Mahabharata. The conflict arose between two groups of cousins, the Kauravas, and Pandavas, due to the struggle for dynastic succession to the throne of Hastinapura, in an Indian kingdom called Kuru.

          Manyancient kingdoms participated as allies of the rival groups in of the battle occurred in Kurukshetra, whose modern-day location is the state of Haryana. The number 18 is an important number in Mahabharata; Duryodhana had 11 Akshouhini soldiers and Pandavas had 7, making a total of eighteen; there are eighteen chapters in the epic and last but not the least, the war lasted exactly for eighteen days, since sunrise to sunset.

First Day:

         The Pandava side suffered heavy losses on the first day of the war. Virat Naresh's son Uttara and Shwetha were killed by Shalya and Bhishma. Bhishma killed many soldiers of Pandavas. This day was encouraging for the Kauravas and disappointing for the Pandavas.

Second Day:

       The Pandavas did not suffer much damage on the second day. Dronacharya defeated Dhrishtadyumna many times. Bhishma wounded Arjuna and Shri Krishna several times. Bhima killed thousands of Kalinga and Nishad. Arjun stopped Bhishma.

Third Day:

   On the third day, Bhima along with Ghatotkacha drove Duryodhana's army out of the battle. After this Bhishma causes a horrific destruction. Sri Krishna tells Arjuna to slay Bhishma, but Arjuna is unable to fight with enthusiasm, causing Shri Krishna himself to run to kill Bhishma. Arjuna then assures that they will fight the war with full enthusiasm.

 Fourth Day:

     On this day the Kauravas could not stop Arjuna. Bhima created a ruckus in the Kaurava army. Duryodhana sent his Gajasena to kill Bhima, but together with Ghatotkacha, Bhima killed them all. Arjuna and Bhima fought fiercely with Bhishma.

 Fifth Day:

       On the fifth day of the war, Bhishma created panic in the Pandava army. Arjuna and Bhima fought with them to stop Bhishma. Satyaki stopped Dronacharya. Bhishma forced Satyaki to flee the war.

 Sixth Day:

    Even on this day, there was a fierce war between the two sides. Duryodhana continued to get angry, but Bhishma kept assuring him and killed the Panchal army.

 Seventh Day:

    On the seventh day Arjuna dominates the Kaurava army. Dhrishtadyumna defeats Duryodhana in battle, Arjuna's son Iravan defeats Vind and Anuvind. At the end of the day Bhishma dominates the Pandava army.

 Eighth Day:

   On the eighth day, Bhishma dominates the Pandava army. Bhima kills eight sons of Dhritarashtra, the demon Ambalush Arjuna kills son Iravan. Ghatotkacha tortures Duryodhana with his illusion. Then on the orders of Bhishma, Bhagadatta pushes Ghatotkacha, Bhima, Yudhishthira and other Pandava soldiers behind. By the end of the day, Bhima kills nine more sons of Dhritarashtra.

 Ninth Day:

    On the ninth day Duryodhana asks Bhishma to bring Karna into battle, then Bhishma assures him that he will either force Shri Krishna to take up arms in battle or kill one of the Pandavas. In order to stop Bhishma in battle, Shri Krishna has to break his vow and he takes up arms. On this day Bhishma destroys most of the Pandavas' army.

Tenth Day:

   On this day, the Pandavas ask Bhishma the remedy of their death at the behest of Shri Krishna. According to Bhishma's stated measures, Arjun puts forward Shikhandi and shoots arrows at Bhishma. With Arjuna's arrows, Bhishma lies on the bed of the arrows.

Eleventh Day:

      Karna comes into battle on the eleventh day. At the behest of Karna, Dronacharya is made the general. Duryodhana and Shakuni tell Drona that if Yudhishthira is taken captive, the war will end. Duryodhana's plan does not allow Arjuna to be completed. Karna also massacres the Pandava army.

 Twelfth Day:

     Shakuni and Duryodhana manage to send Arjuna far enough away from Yudhishthira to capture Yudhishthira, but Arjuna arrives on time to save Yudhishthira from being taken captive.

 Thirteenth Day:

    On this day Duryodhana sends King Bhagadatta to battle Arjuna. Bhagadatta defeats Bhima, makes war with Arjuna. Sri Krishna protects Arjuna by taking on the Vaishnavastra of Bhagadatta. Arjun breaks Bhagadatta's blindfold, which causes him to stop looking. Arjuna kills them at this stage. On this day, Drona creates a Chakravyuh for Yudhishthira. Whom Abhimanyu knew to break, but did not know to leave. Yudhishthira sends Bhima Adi with Abhimanyu, but Jayadratha stops everyone at the door of the Chakravyuh. Only Abhimanyu is able to enter. He alone fights all Kauravas and is killed. Seeing that the son Abhimanyu was unjustly slaughtered, Arjuna vows to kill Jayadratha the next day, and failing to do so, asks to take fire samadhi.

 Fourteenth Day:

     The Kauravas plan to save Jayadratha after listening to Arjuna's fire tomb. Drona hides him in the rear of the army to save Jayadratha, but due to the sunset by Shri Krishna, Jayadratha comes out and kills Arjuna and. On this day, Drona kills Drupada and Virat.

          Duryodhana, distraught, orders his army to fight through the night, and the two hosts lighting torches, continue their battle.During this time, Gathokacha, the rakshasa son of Bhima wreaks havoc among the Kaurava, until he is felled by the Vasavi Shakti, a weapon given to Karna by Indra. Karna was planning to use the Vasavi Shakti against Arjuna However, Duryodhana, desperate to end Gathokacha’s carnage pleads with Karna to use it. Now Karna loses the weapon since it can be used only once and returns to Indra.

 Fifteenth Day:

     On this day, Pandavas deceitfully convince Dronacharya of Ashwatthama's death, so that Drona is disappointed and takes samadhi. In this case, Dhrishtadyum cuts Drona's head and kills him.

 Sixteenth Day:

    On this day Karna is made the Kaurava general. On this day he commits a terrible destruction of the Pandava army. Karna defeats Nakula-Sahadeva, but does not kill him due to the promise given to Kunti. Bhima kills Dushasan and drinks his chest blood.

 Seventeenth Day:

      On the seventeenth day Karna defeats Bhima and Yudhishthira, but does not kill them because of the promise given to Kunti. In the battle, the wheel of Karna's chariot falls into the ground, then Karna comes down to take out the wheel and at the same time Arjuna kills Karna at the behest of Shri Krishna. Then Surgeon becomes the commander in chief, whom Yudhishthira kills.

 Eighteenth Day:

    On this day, Bhima kills all the remaining brothers of Duryodhana. Sahadeva kills Shakuni. Recognizing his defeat, Duryodhana hides in a pond, but after being challenged by the Pandavas, he fights mace with Bhima. Then Bhima tricks Duryodhana's thigh with deceit, which leads to Duryodhana's death. In this way the Pandavas emerge victorious.