The majority of India's population is born in independent India.  India has gained independence through the sacrifice...

Why August 15 was chosen as India's Independence Day?

The majority of India's population is born in independent India.  India has gained independence through the sacrifices and efforts of many armed and non-violent revolutionaries.

Many patriotic Indians sacrificed their lives in this freedom struggle.


The lives of many were ruined.  But those martyrs who went to great lengths to bring freedom to the motherland had always wrapped up their personal interests.  And this sacrifice led to freedom.

India became independent on 15th August 1947.

Every year on 15th August, we enthusiastically celebrate Independence Day at government, public and private levels.


This is a national ceremony.  India's independence is the sixth golden page in India's history.  But have you ever had such a question?  Why was August 15 chosen as Independence Day?


What is the significance of August 15?


You may be surprised to know that August 15 was chosen as Independence Day.


But then Lord Louis Mountbatten was appointed the last Viceroy of India.  He changed the date and declared that India would get independence on 15th August.

In the India Independence Bill, the British government had fixed June 3, 1948 as the date for the transfer of power to India.  The date was also confirmed by the Prime Minister of Britain, Clement Richard, in 1947, and on June 3, 1947, India was declared independent.

In 1947, Louis Mountbatten was appointed the last Viceroy of India.


He also had the responsibility of giving power to India in a systematic manner.  They were also given the right to set a date.


He was the Governor of Myanmar before becoming the Viceroy of India.  The arrival of Mountbatten marked a turning point in India's Independence Day.  He changed the date from 3rd June 1948 to 15th August 1947.

There is still a lot of controversy as to why he changed the scheduled date to August 15. 

Some historians say that,

"Mountbatten was asked to choose the date so that India could be given the status of an independent nation as soon as possible and this was Mountbatten's personal decision."


The Indian army was not honest with the British and it was not possible to rule India financially.


In their book, Freedom at Midnight, Larry Calling and Dominic Lapierre give a reason for choosing August 15.


The Viceroy wanted to show that,

"Everything is under their control. When asked if a date has been fixed for the release of Bharata, two months, August and September, came to their minds. After that, they chose the month of August."

The month of August and the 15th of this month were special to him.  On the same day, on August 15, 1945, Japan surrendered to the British in World War II.  At the time, he was commander of the Allied Forces.

August 15, 1947, would mark the second anniversary of this incident.  Lord Louis Mountbatten thought the date was auspicious.

Some people have different arguments in this regard.  According to their reasoning,

The British wanted to partition India and in such a situation they knew that Mohammad Ali Jinnah had cancer.  If Jinnah had died before June 3, 1948, the British plot to partition would have failed.


Therefore, India should be partitioned as soon as possible.  It was the instinct of the British that the two countries would continue to fight each other.

For this reason, he chose August 15, 1947.  But this logic has no historical basis.  So this argument will be taken as their personal opinion.  But even today, there is an atmosphere of tension between India and Pakistan.

Seventy years later, their relationship has not improved.

It is also said that Pakistan gained independence a day before India.  Pakistan was originally recognized as an independent nation on August 14.  On the same day, Mountbatten declared Pakistan an independent nation.  It is also said that,August 14, 1947 is the 27th day of the holy month of Ramadan.  According to Islamic chronology, this day is considered auspicious and sacred.  That is why Pakistan celebrates Independence Day on August 14.

But in 1948, Pakistan issued the first postage stamp with the date of 15th August and the birth of Pakistan was announced on 15th August by the founder of Pakistan, Mohammad Ali Jinnah.

Also, according to the Indian Independence Act, India and Pakistan became independent on the same day.

Now the question is why India got independence in the middle of the night.  According to astrologers, August 15 was not an auspicious date.  Various auspicious dates were suggested to Mountbatten.

But on 15th August, it was as if he had sealed his mind.  Because it was their good day.


Then it was important to resolve this without modifying the date.  That is why the declaration of independence was made at midnight.

In a certain period, Nehru completed his speech and the first shout of freedom was heard.

Thus, at midnight on August 15, 1947, India gained independence.