The First and Second World Wars were really horrible and traumatic. We can still see the results today. In World War I, ...

During the Second World War, the United States fought to hide the bomb factory.

The First and Second World Wars were really horrible and traumatic. We can still see the results today. In World War I, many nations played the role of watchdogs.

However, the Pearl Harbor attack by Japan in World War II also dragged the United States into it.

And the consequences were terrible, which we still remember as Hiroshima Nagasaki.

Only then did the United States emerge as a powerful country on the back of the world.

It cost 200,000 million dollars to build a B-17 bomber during World War II.

And the US military needed to make thousands of such bombers.

At the same time, it was important to protect the place where they were being built.

The US military would do anything to keep its weapons secret.

For example, in order to keep secret the place where these bombers were being built, the US military called the designers who made the sets in Hollywood and built a fake city from them and also asked many actors to stay there.

This fake city was built in 1944.

And just a year after the war began, this false city was wiped out.

This set was created by John Stewart Detlie to hide Boeing Plant 2.


The technique for making this set is to make a set of movies


The same technique was used.


You may be surprised but in this fake city fake houses, trees, roads, cars were all built.


Just below this artificial city, about 30,000 men and women made 300 bombers a month.


During World War II, 12,731 bombs were made here. These fighter jets dropped 640,000 tons of bombs on Germany at that time.


But with the passage of time, the condition of this place and this factory has deteriorated and since 2010 the work of destroying this factory has started.