History of behind the discovery of the first cell phone Like many great inventions, the first cell phone was born out of ...

Who invented the cell phone? | Cell phone History | World first phone

History of behind the discovery of the first cell phone

Like many great inventions, the first cell phone was born out of a strong desire to beat another child in the patent office.

First phone

Although cellphones are a relatively modern invention - if you consider 1973's 'modern' - the idea of ​​a telephone that can travel with you is as old as the telephone. Although for decades, the best car offering could be two-way radio equipment that was originally walkie-talkies that filled the trunk of your car, but some engineering developments and equipment that would help lay the groundwork for the best competition in American business that revolutionized the way people communicated. Brought.

Mobile communication devices as soon as possible

In the early 20th century, people envisioned a world where they could communicate with each other, free from the shackles of stars and cables. With the advent of radio communications in the early 1900's and landline telephone service becoming more common in those days, it is not difficult to see why people today know that real mobile phones will be invented so soon.

For most of their history, mobile phones were mostly dual radios that were installed on anything you moved. In the 1920s, German railway operators began testing wireless telephones in their trains, starting with a limited number of military trains a few years later before they could be passed on to public trains.

 In 1924, Zugtelefoni AG was established as a supplier of mobile telephone equipment for the use of trains, and the following year the first public introduction of wireless telephones to first class passengers on the major railway line between Berlin and Hamburg.

 During World War II, radio technology made great strides, and handheld radios became widely used. These advances led to the simultaneous placement of mobile radio systems in military vehicles, but the limitations of technology significantly limited the quality of these systems.

This has not only prevented companies from offering mobile telephone systems for automobiles in the United States and elsewhere in the 1940s and 1950s, but also has serious shortcomings, just like their military parts. They were large systems that required a lot of power, limited coverage, and the network was not able to support more than a few active connections at a time. These limitations will hamper mobile phone technology for decades and limit how fast technology can be adopted by people.

Major developments towards modern mobile phone systems

In response to this growing demand for better mobile telephony, AT & T's Bell Labs developed a system for placing and receiving telephone calls in automobiles that would allow maximum calls to a given location in a single location.

They launched their mobile service in 1946, which AT&T commercialized as a mobile telephone service in 1949. Although the service has a few thousand subscribers in about 100 locales, the service has been reduced. To establish a connection, the system required an operator on a switchboard, and users had to press a button to speak and listen, which became more like military radio than the existing telephone system that people used, only wireless.

The service was also expensive, and the number of channels available for active connections was limited in some places, up to at least three channels in some places, and the entire channel could never be activated again for the duration of the call. Conversations over available channels.

Bell Lab engineers were working on a new system that could improve the channel's performance since the 1940s, however, Douglas Ring and W.J. Rai Young came up with the idea of ​​a network of ‘cells’ to help and reduce the recycling management of the channel. Intervention as early as 1947. The technology wasn't there at the time, but it would be another two decades before Bell Lab engineers, Richard Frankel and Philip Porter, came up with the concept of cells in a more detailed plan for mobile telephones. Automobile network. At this point, AT&T has already pressured the Federal Communications Commission to provide more frequency spectrum for radio telephone use, so that they have more channels available.

Other important developments in the 1970s enabled automated cell switching and signaling systems to maintain the connection of devices moving from one cell to another by expanding the area of ​​mobile telephone networks. But all these developments were put to use developing mobile phones in automobiles. Today we know we will start giving away cell phones first.

Motorola's Martin Cooper invented the first cell phone

As we are familiar with Bell Labs working to develop a system that will become a cellular network, they have not had as much success in making real portable, handheld telephones. They’ve put a lot of effort into developing the things we use as car phones - even if they’re not really one thing.

The car of a small company called Motorola and a man named Marty Cooper caused the car's phone not to turn off.

In a 2003 interview, Cooper told the BBC: "We believe that people don't want to talk to cars and people want to talk to other people. And this little company at Motorola was able to prove it to us. We really wanted to show the world that we can make a cellular telephone, a personal telephone. ”Make it. With the encouragement of his boss, John Mitchell, head of Motorola's portable communications products, and Cooper, an engineer at Motorola, created the first working prototype for a cell phone. Cooper made the first cell phone call in history on April 3, 1973, at a news conference in Manhattan before the demonstration of a new device that revolutionized communication.

Cooper said: "I called my counterpart at Bell Group's Joel Angel and told him: 'Joel, I'm calling you from a real cellular telephone. A portable handheld telephone

It was a thrilling experience to hire a company that had a monopoly on the American telephone system and then beat AT&T for a mortgage to Motorola.

Cooper said, “When we have a competitive element like us, there is a satisfying satisfaction in life.

The invention of the cell phone was a multi-generational endeavor

Pointed out in 1973, there would be another decade of development before Motorola's cell phones first hit the world market, and commercial cellular service of handheld cell phones began. Selling for around $ 3,500 at the time, not even the Cooper - Motorola's Dynatak 8000x didn't see it as the first step on the communications revolution.

Cooper said, "I have to admit that [cell phone use] would have increased at the time, and the first phone in 1983 was priced at 3,500, which is about $ 7,000 today," Cooper said. Whether it's hanging on your ear or embedded under your skin. ”

Whether or not Cooper, the father of cellphones, accepted the title bestowed on him by history, he thought the honor should be shared. He said, “Even though I imagined it, it really worked and created a vision that literally hundreds of people today haven’t accomplished what cellular is all about. We're still working on it and still trying to make it better. ”