Columbus went on four expeditions in the Atlantic Ocean. During one of these missions, he arrived in the United States. ...

How did Columbus, who was in search of India, reach America? | Columbus Journey to find America

Columbus went on four expeditions in the Atlantic Ocean. During one of these missions, he arrived in the United States. Columbus actually wanted to come to India but he went in the opposite direction and reached America. Today we are going to learn how Columbus, who was heading towards India, must have reached America.


On August 3, 1492, Christopher Columbus set out to find a way to India, but he reached the United States. He increased contacts between Europeans and Native Americans. He visited America four times.

All his travels were paid for by Queen Isabella of Spain. Columbus tried to settle Hispaniola on the island, and thus began the Spanish colony in the United States.

In the time of Columbus, European merchants traded in India and other Asian countries, and on their way back, they brought Indian spices to their country and sold them. At that time only land route existed between Europe and India. Traders from Europe used to come to India via Turkey, Iran and Afghanistan.

But in 1453, the Turks established an empire in the area and closed the route to European traders. The reason for this was that the Turks were Muslims and the European merchants were Christians. So Columbus decided to find a sea route to India.

So on August 3, 1492, Columbus set out in search of India with his three ships, Santa Maria, Nina and Pinta, and 90 companions.

Suddenly a terrible storm started while they were traveling in the sea. Their directional devices began to point in the wrong direction. This frightened all the sailors. They all begged Columbus to return. But Columbus decided to continue the journey for three days.

 On October 9, 1492, Columbus saw birds in the sky and told the ship to turn in the direction of the birds. Going in that direction, they saw many trees and colorful flowers, which meant that there was definitely land ahead.

When Columbus set foot on the ground on October 12, 1492, he thought he had reached India. But in fact he had reached a Caribbean island. He then explored several islands in the vicinity and, thinking that the land was India, named it Indis. 

Due to this incident, people in the United States have been celebrating "Columbus Day" on October 10, 1937.

Fifteen thousand years ago, according to researchers, the sea level was lower than it is now, and a large piece of land connecting the United States and Russia existed. This is the route taken by people from Asia to the United States.

The first inhabitants of the United States are believed to be the Clovis. DNA analysis has shown that these Clovis are the ancestors of 80% of Americans today. Experts also say that even before the Clovis, some people lived in the United States as early as 20,000 years ago.

Today the place is deserted but thousands of years ago there were forests here and the Vikings used to stop here and repair their ships and take shelter here when the weather was bad.

This means that people lived in America thousands of years before Columbus. Columbus did not invent America, he only introduced America to Europeans.