Invention of the first vehicle | Information about world first vehicle | History of vehicle The general information about...

Invention of the first vehicle | Information about world first vehicle | History of vehicle

Invention of the first vehicle | Information about world first vehicle | History of vehicle

The general information about Invention of world first vehicle.

The first stationary gasoline engine developed by Carl Benz was a new-evening 1879 single-cylinder two-stroke unit in operation for the first time. Benz achieved so much commercial success with this engine that he was able to spend more time dreaming. Creating a light car running on a petrol engine, in which the chassis and engine form a single unit.The main features of the two-seater vehicle, completed in 1885, were the compact high-speed single-cylinder four-stroke engine installed horizontally on the rear, the tubular steel frame, the variation and the three wire-spoke wheels. The output of the engine was 0.75 hp (0.55 kW). Details include an automatic intake slide, a controlled exhaust valve, high-voltage electrical vibrator ignition with a spark plug, and water / thermo siphon evaporation cooling.

The first vehicle

On January 2, 1886, Carl Benz applied for a patent for his "gas-powered vehicle." Patent - No. 37435 - can be identified as the birth certificate of the automobile. In July 1886, newspapers published a model of a three-wheeled Benz patented motor car. 1

 Long-distance travel by Bertha Benz (1888)

First vehicle

Using the revised version and without her husband's knowledge, Benz's wife, Bertha, and their two sons, Eugene (15) and Richard (14), embarked on the first long-haul journey in automotive history in August 188. There were some gaps along the way. And took her from Mannheim to her birthplace, Forsheim. With this journey of 180 kilometers, Bertha Benz showed the practicality of motor vehicle to the whole world. To her chagrin - and without her children and the decisive motivation that arose from it, the idea of ​​the subsequent Benz & C in Mannheim becoming the world’s largest automobile plant was unimaginable.

World first vehicle

Double-pivot steering, contrast engine, granary gear transmission (1891 - 1897)

Carl Benz solved the most immediate driving problem with a double-pivot steering system patented in 1893. The first Benz with this steering system was the three-hp (2.2-kilowatt) Victoria in 1893, with a slightly larger number of different bodies being built. The world's first production car with about 1200 units, the 1894 Benz Velo was a lightweight, durable and inexpensive compact car.

In 1897 a "twin engine" with two parallel horizontal single-cylinder units was developed, but this proved unsatisfactory. Immediately afterwards a fine design was created, a "contrast engine" in which the cylinders were arranged in front of each other. This was the birth of the horizontal anti-piston engine. Benz always installed the rear side up to 1900, this unit produced up to 16 hp (12 kW) in different versions.